Step into a fairy tale with our captivating Beauty and the Beast stained glass static cling. Imagine a magical rose, preserved under a cathedral arch-shaped cloche, holding secrets of a timeless...
As part of our partnership with Tabletop Tycoon, creators of Everdell, we are starting a series of window clings recreating their classic card art in our unique stained glass style. We've...
Commissioned by Tabletop Tycoon, creators of Everdell for display in their new offices, we're thrilled to be able to be able to make this design available to fans as well! This...
Commissioned by Tabletop Tycoon, creators of Everdell for display in their new offices, we're thrilled to be able to be able to make this design available to fans as well! We've...
As part of our partnership with Tabletop Tycoon, creators of Everdell, we are starting a series of window clings recreating their classic card art in our unique stained glass style. We've...
We're thrilled to be working with Floodgate Games, the makers of Sagrada, on a custom stained glass cling! Sagrada is a gorgeous game that's one of or very favorite casual games...